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The best way to thaw meat is with water!

When it comes to freezing food, we generally know the rule:it is better to do it quickly, so that it retains its flavor and quality. What is less known, however, is that when it comes to defrosting, it's the same:the faster the better. Something to seriously challenge the belief that the best way to thaw food is to leave it in the fridge for several hours...

A well-kept secret

Susanne Ekstedt, a researcher at the Bioscience and Food Unit at the SP Technical Research Institute in Gothenburg, Sweden, explains that keeping food in a cold environment is good because it avoids microbial contamination. But using cold water is the fastest way! And it is by far the best option for meat and fish. You have to put the food in a plastic bag (to isolate it from the water, anyway!), then in a basin of cold water. Since water conducts heat better than air, defrosting is faster. "It's a fact that culinary experts have known for a long time, but most people don't," she explains.

Keep the tenderness of the meat

So, microwave defrosting, we forget? This is the worst option, especially for meat or fish, which can tend to toughen. However, as a microbiologist at the University of Science in Norway explains, if the food is planned to be steamed or pan-fried, the microwave option is still acceptable, since meat or fish will soften when cooked. We have been warned!